
Rue de la Source 3, 2822 Courroux - SWITZERLAND

00 41 32 420 76 40

Baccinex is a Swiss CMO specialising in the aseptic manufacture of lyophilised or liquid sterile products. We produce clinical batches for phase I, II and III trials as well as small and medium batch size commercial products.

We offer a complete service to our customers including :

  • The production of liquid or freeze-dried drug products (in aseptic conditions, filled into vials)
  • Labelling and secondary packaging
  • Analytical services: release tests (physico-chemical and microbiological)
  • Stability studies under ICH conditions
  • GMP certification
  • Storage of batches under GMP conditions
  • Personalised project management and support for the customer in setting up the project and producing batches under GMP conditions
  • Development activities:
    • Technology transfer and process scale-up
    • Process optimisation for production under GMP conditions
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