Otto Hahn Strasse 1, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall Allemagne
+33 (0)3 20 63 06 48
For uncompromising pharmaceutical applications
For uncompromising pharmaceutical applications: Optima Pharma develops and manufactures filling, closing and process technology for pharmaceuticals. Highly sophisticated, fully automated systems from Optima Pharma are used to process blood plasma products, vaccines, oncology and biotech products in prefilled syringes, vials, bottles and cartridges. Non-sterile pharmaceuticals and diagnostics are further applications. The company’s extensive technology portfolio includes washing machines, sterilization tunnels, filling and sealing, robotic product handling and other functions. Freeze drying systems and isolator technology are part of turnkey systems by Optima Pharma. The product range comprises machinery for laboratory filling up to high-speed systems. The division guarantees quick, professional service with 19 national and international locations. Optima Pharma is a member of the OPTIMA packaging group GmbH (Schwaebisch Hall), which employs a workforce of 2,450 around the globe.